Monday, March 18, 2013

March 9, 2013 - Plebe Parent Weekend

Cadet Austin Wheeler the first one on the back row
Cadet Amanda Skalisky the first one of the front row
March 9, 2013
Cadet David Koerper in the big hat!
Cadet Rocky Rispress receiving his Defense Service Ribbon - March 9, 2013
(Rocky is the fourth one over on the back row)
Cadet Parker Dixon receiving his Defense Service Ribbon - March 9, 2013
Spring break started on Friday, March 8, 2013 for everyone except the Plebes.  They stayed at West Point for two more days while West Point celebrated its Plebe Parent Weekend.  Our branch did a get-together on Friday evening at Thayer Hall for the Plebes in our branch and their family members.  Saturday, Jim and I were guests of two of the Plebes since their families weren't able to come.  The day started with a march by the Cadets.  After we attended a meeting for their Company.  Cadet Parker Dixon and Cadet Rocky Rispress received their Defense Service Ribbon.  Saturday evening we attended a fancy dinner at the Mess Hall where BG Richard D. Clarke was the guest speaker.  It was a great event and a once in a lifetime opportunity to here at West Point.
Cadet Kenny McCain, Elder Hohosh, Sister Hohosh and Cadet Amy Slaughter
Plebe Parent Fancy Dinner at the Mess Hall

Cadet Parker Dixon (Utah) and Cadet Rocky Rispress (South Carolina)


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