Monday, March 18, 2013

Washington DC Temple - March 17, 2013

We had to go to Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland and on the way there we saw the Washington DC Temple spires from the freeway.  We drove around until we could drive right up to the temple.  It is so beautiful!

Senior Couple Get-Together at Mohonk Mountain House - March 13, 2013

Elder and Sister Wells invited four couples to their apartment today in New Paltz for a get together.  The Wells are going home in April having served their 18 month mission here in New York.  They took us to what is called the Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz.  This is an amazing place.  Twice a year they have "community day" where commoners like ourselves can go and look at the facilities.  I believe only millionaries could afford to stay there.  We sat in on a presentation where a gentleman told us about the history of Mohonk.  Mohonk was built by Quaker twin brothers Albert and Alfred Smiley between 1879 and 1910.  The room rates start at $580.00 per night.

March 9, 2013 - Plebe Parent Weekend

Cadet Austin Wheeler the first one on the back row
Cadet Amanda Skalisky the first one of the front row
March 9, 2013
Cadet David Koerper in the big hat!
Cadet Rocky Rispress receiving his Defense Service Ribbon - March 9, 2013
(Rocky is the fourth one over on the back row)
Cadet Parker Dixon receiving his Defense Service Ribbon - March 9, 2013
Spring break started on Friday, March 8, 2013 for everyone except the Plebes.  They stayed at West Point for two more days while West Point celebrated its Plebe Parent Weekend.  Our branch did a get-together on Friday evening at Thayer Hall for the Plebes in our branch and their family members.  Saturday, Jim and I were guests of two of the Plebes since their families weren't able to come.  The day started with a march by the Cadets.  After we attended a meeting for their Company.  Cadet Parker Dixon and Cadet Rocky Rispress received their Defense Service Ribbon.  Saturday evening we attended a fancy dinner at the Mess Hall where BG Richard D. Clarke was the guest speaker.  It was a great event and a once in a lifetime opportunity to here at West Point.
Cadet Kenny McCain, Elder Hohosh, Sister Hohosh and Cadet Amy Slaughter
Plebe Parent Fancy Dinner at the Mess Hall

Cadet Parker Dixon (Utah) and Cadet Rocky Rispress (South Carolina)


February 15, 2013 - Bear Mountain Skate Park

Jim and I volunteer with Army Community Service (ACS) and they asked us to come and volunteer at the Bear Mountain Park for Family ACS Day.  There were about 80 people who came.  It was open to all families in the military.  We served hot chocolate and cookies.  Great time!

Sister Missionaries in our District!

We have three sister missionaries now in our District.  They are (left to right) - Sister Richardson from St. George, Utah;  Sister Otukolo from Salt Lake City, Utah; and Sister Maldarizzi from Italy.  There are now six Elders and three Sisters in our District.  We meet at the Hut every Monday from 11:00 to 2:00.  We are excited to have these Sisters

Thursday, January 24, 2013

January 20, 2013 - Missionary devotional at the Hut

On Sundays after church, we have several Cadets who like to come over for dinner.  We decided that we would also invite the missionaries to come and give some type of message or discussion on the gospel.  On this particular Sunday, we have three non-members who came for dinner and participated in this discussion.  Our missionaries are the best.  We just love Elder Fragiacamo (Italy) and Elder Higbee (Alamo, Utah). 

Leadership Conference - January 17, 2013 - Ossining Chapel

We had a missionary leadership conference for the Yorktown and Newburgh Zones in Ossining, New York on January 17, 2013.  Here is a picture of me with Sister McClary.  She is from Utah.  She has a beautiful voice and also plays the piano very well.  Some people get beauty and talent!!!!

Boat on Hudson River

We woke up one morning to this boat on the Hudson River blowing its fog horn.  It was so loud!  We are going to miss hearing the trains and all the boat horns from our apartment when we get back to Utah.

Visit to China Town - January 19, 2013

We took four Cadets to New York City since they took a PASS for the weekend because of the Martin Luther King holiday on Monday.  We decided to go and visit China Town while we were there.  Here are some pictures of the open market they have in China Town  I have to admit it was pretty stinky.

dried shrimp

Live frogs - YUM!

There was a Chinese man in line at this market picking up live frogs with tongs and
putting them in a plastic bag to buy.  I turned around and started laughing. 
This picture is of a guy who was laughing with me and he picked up a
live frog and pretended to take a bite out of it!  hahahaha
Jim and Cadet Adam Wilde in front of Chinese open market


Christmas in Ohio - 2012

We have the privilege as a senior missionary couple to leave our mission boundaries so we decided to go and visit the Gabrielsens during our Christmas break.  The cadets at West Point leave the post so there isn't anything for us to do here while they are away.  We drove to Ohio on December 21, 2012 and stayed until January 3, 2013.  Jim had some dental work done by Dr. Gabrielsen while we were there.  This is a picture of Abbey and Ela sitting standing in a bathroom looking at what "Snowy" their elf did during the night to the toilet - Snowy totally wrapped the toilet in wrapping paper! We had a great time there.

Mission Christmas Party - Scarsdale Chapel - December 20, 2012

The New York New York North mission held its Christmas party at the Scarsdale Chapel next to the mission home on December 20, 2012.  Jim and I went down the night before and stayed overnight at the mission home.  We peeled enough potatoes for 200 people - ugh!  Another senior missionary couple, Elder and Sister Wells from Pine Valley, Utah cooked turkey outdoors in this 55 gallon drum.  We also fixed creamed corn, stuffing, ham, and rolls.  Other couples brought salads.  It ended up being a great event and we always love to see all the missionaries in our mission together.

West Point Cadet Chapel

On December 12, 2012, we took some Elders from Middletown on a tour of West Point.  Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture of those awesome Elders but I did take a picture of the West Point Cadet Chapel.  This Chapel is so amazing.  It is a classic example of gothic revival architecture.  The architect was Bertram Goodhue and was completed in 1910.  This Chapel replaced the Old Cadet Chapel which had been built in 1836.