Thursday, December 13, 2012

Connecticut Elders - December 11, 2012

One responsibility we have as a senior missionary couple is that we get to inspect missionary apartments.  This picture is the six missionaries that live together in a tiny little apartment in Stamsford, CT.  There is a funny story behind the Santa Clause.  The missionaries were assigned to do service down in New York City after Hurricane Sandy.  While doing their work, there was this Santa Clause buried in sand and water.  The owner of the Santa said to throw the Santa away because he was ruined.  The missionaries asked if they could have him and the owner said "Yes".  They took Santa home, dried him out, fixed his little speaker box, and now he is good as new.  He dances and sings.  It is the funniest thing ever!  Santa is a survivor of Hurricane Sandy.  One of the Elders in this picture lives in our home ward in South Weber, Utah - Elder Golding.  Elder Golding is in the middle on the top row.  We are so lucky that we get to see him from time to time.

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