Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hurricane Sandy - October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy came in with a roar tonight in the New Jersey, New York and Connecticut areas.  We were so blessed and we didn't have any problems.  It was really windy and it rained but it didn't seem unusally bad here at West Point.  I am going to publish some pictures on our post just to show some of the devastation in the New Jersey and New York areas.  Tonight when we were driving home, the Shell gas station in Highland Falls was so backed up from people trying to buy gas.  There is a bad gas shortage here because the roads and tunnels are so flooded in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut that the gas trucks cannot get into the cities.  The airports are just starting to open again on a limited basis.  This is a very sad situation for many people.  Houses burned down in New Jersey and there is so much tragedy.  We are so heart broken for the many people who are suffering tonight without power.  The power company says it could be up to two more weeks before power is back on.  Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures make me so sad =[. Do you think you will get to be able to help in the clean up efforts and stuff!? I would want to.
