Monday, September 24, 2012

Senior Couple Missionary Get-Together at West Point - September 22, 2012

All the senior missionaries assigned to the New York New York North Mission were invited to West Point on September 22, 2012.  I believe there were only two couples which were unable to come.  The mission doctor and his wife drove up from Boston to attend this event.  Sherman Fleek, the post historian for West Point, who is also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, gave the missionaries a tour.  We started at the Old Cadet Chapel, then to the cemetery, and then on to Trophy Point.  The single tombstone in the picture is that of General George Custard.  Afterwards, Jim and I prepared a fantastic luncheon for everyone.  We had polish sausages, sloppy joes, baked beans, potato salads, etc.  We also went to one of our favorite places - Jones Family Farm - in Cornwall.  They have this carrot cake which they call "Deadly".  We also bought some of their bread pudding.  Everyone had a great time and the weather turned out to be great!

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