Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thomas Jefferson chair - West Point Library

This is a chair and table desk used by Thomas Jefferson which they have on display at the West Point Library.  There is a swivel wooden box on the left side of the chair that is capable of holding four books.  It is said that Thomas Jefferson would put four books on that box and swivel it around.  He would read one book for a half hour or so, then swivel it around and read in the next one and so forth.  The wooden thing on top of the table is a writing pad.  He would write in long hand and there is another pen on the side that would copy what he was writing.  The wooden box on the end of the seat was his traveling box he used that carried his writing utensils.

More WP Tour - Mess Hall

Okay, so this is the coolest Mess Hall ever!  It looks like something out of Harry Potter or something.  If you can imagine fixing meals for 4500 cadets for three meals each day.  That would be pure torture for me! 

West Point Tour for Relief Society - October 10, 2012

Brother Fleek took the West Point Branch Relief Society on a tour of some of the facilties at West Point.  We were able to go into the library and see the "Ring Wall".  This case holds all the class rings of the graduates from 1846 to present.  The pictures doesn't do it justice but it is really spectular to see all the different designs from the past ages.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Football Game - September 29, 2012

Jim and I gave our football tickets away to some other senior missionaries in our area but we were able to walk up the sidewalk near the game and take some pictures.  It's such an awesome sight to see all those Cadets sitting together during the game.  This game they had on their white over gray uniforms.  We invited our Zone Leaders to come along with us to help with a tailgate after the game.  Our awesome Zone Leaders are Elder Hill and Elder Petersen.  This picture is taken across the street from the football stadium.

Transfer Day - September 26, 2012

Every six weeks we have transfer day and everyone in this area meets at the Ossining Chapel.  I took this picture of two suitcases.  One is an Elder's suitcase and one is a Sister's suitcase.  Can you guess who belongs to what suitcase? 

LaCrosse Plaque - Thomas Truxton

Our youngest grandson, Dallin, just loves LaCrosse and here on the West Point Campus they are going to build a new LaCrosse field.  This is the plaque of a solider who also loved LaCrosse.  We took this picture for Dallin so he could read about a young man who was killed during World War II in the Phillippines but loved playing LaCrosse and so they are honoring him by calling the LaCrosse Center after him.